Nazem Khoury Survives Again
No thanks to the tainted pieces of cloth that sit in their high chairs and act like they're running this sad excuse of a government.
You know, I have tried to uphold a certain degree of respect and appreciation towards the man Saniora, mostly because he took on with resolve and resilience the tremendous job of putting together a government in the murky aftermath of the Hariri assassinaion.
And also because he was an honest, hardworking man, a number cruncher that is, ever more so than a politician. And to me, that's a good thing. Or let's say it usually is.
Today, PM Saniora bless his heart, needs to forget about his numbers and crunch some heads instead.
Let's round it all up, shall we?
Five major assassinations with tens of ancillary victims, at least two additional, miraculously non-fatal assassination attempts, and multiple "small" explosions in the christian populated areas of the capital. The result of investigative "efforts"?
But of course! Got a pen and a paper? this might take a while. Alright. ONE lame syrian suspect, TWO sorry ass suspect portrayals, and... wait a second. There's no and. That's it! HAHAAAAAA! Fucking BRILLIANT.
Oh but I forget. A comprehensive UN sponsored investigation with an exquisitely detailed recount of the circumstances surrounding Hariri's assassination. Bottom line? Hang on to your seats, Syria is probably involved! Well, NO FUCKING SHIT! Syria probably involved 2al...
Now Mehlis is gone, for personal reasons, and the new Belgian prosecutor is getting death threats. Should I venture a guess about the personal reasons behind Mehlis' resignation? Quality time with his wife and kids I bet.
Anywho. Let's go back to more recent events. Hezbollah. Where to begin and where to end with Hezbollah. An armed militia with governmental and parliamentary representation with blatant, hit you between the eyes, allegiance to Syria! SYRIA! The same Syria that was kicked out of Lebanon under Lebanese public and international pressure for screwing up the last thirty years of our history!
Well call me fucking stupid if you will, but if this isn't Treason with a capital T then I don't know what is. And they have the nerve to complain about representation!
As if this weren't enough, the precious Shebaa farms came back into the spotlight a couple weeks ago maybe, and only yesterday, three to six Katyushia rockets disturb the calm of Kiryat Shmona. Who did it, I wonder. Certainly not the Hezb since they vehemently denied it. I guess it's the ghost of Christmas past. Ah the good old days. Anyway, Israel couldn't care less about who claims responsibility, and promptly retaliates, while putting the blame on... Take a wild guess? YES! The Lebanese government! How unfair... After all, it isn't our fault if Hezbollah decided to establish a militaro-politico-religious autonomy on Lebanese territory. Because we Lebanese, believe in the sacred right of free political expression and alliance. Of course we do, and that's mostly why we're so much better than most everybody else. So KUDOS to us, though BYE BYE to our country.
God I digressed. Back to where I started with this Arrrgh of a post. Mr. Saniora bless his heart.
I know, it's particularly easy to make fun and criticize when you're not soaking in the mud puddle he's probably in. Nevertheless, when my country is every criminal's safe haven, when people get killed and nobody gets caught, when military groups set up shop on our soil and challenge the very core of our struggle right in our face, when nothing, and I mean NOTHING is being seriously done to change the set "disorder" of things, I am left with no option but to say to Mr. Saniora, excuse me.. emmm sir? would you please DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!?!?!
I mean, please?
I've pretty much given up on Lahoud leaving office before the end of his term. But you know what, who cares. Let him bask in the sun at the "bain militaire" and the Baabda Palace until he turns into a piece of bacon. We have someone who's honest, hardworking, loyal to his country, and the closest match to a leader in a leader's position we have.
All Mr.Saniora needs is a couple of steel balls, an iron fist, and a sense of urgency, and maybe we will start seeing a few criminal heads rolling at our feet.