All the demons
The pain of not knowing who you are.
The anguish of never belonging.
The gripe of facing the sandstorm of your emotions as it rises through the horizon, riddles your eyes and your soul, and leaves you aching for a drop of poisoned water, for a knife to dig a path through your heart.
The malaise of being chosen by what you choose.
The agony of living.
The agony of dying.
The fear of dying before becoming what you were never meant to become.
The rage at you and all the demons you will one day overcome.
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"All the demons" is heavy but well written. But what I don't get Fouad is the music you posted. It sounds like a movement from a Beethoven sonata, but I can't figure out which one. Who is playing it?
love the poem, hope that its darkness and anger are only artistic and not real...
don't want to break the mood, but my turn to complain:) : the music and the player icon didn't download for me.
zee- it's LVB's 23rd sonata "Apassionata" played by Robert Casadesus
maya- art and reality, can you ever tell them apart? we must have some technological incompatibility you and I... the songs are still playing automatically and salwa's song is just wonderful :)
thanks Fouad, R. Casadeus plays fast. I only have a Glen Gould collection, and "Apassionata" is not among them ... got to get it now.
'The malaise of being chosen by what you choose.'
That's a beautiful line :)
Oh and hi :)
Been a while.
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