A Sunny Day
The fast paced steps of a man walking towards the third terminal where someone else is waiting for a suitcase and a man with a suitcase and a life with a man without a suitcase but with a dream, raw and unstable, scarred by ailments not his, not theirs yet theirs to the bone, bonded by a song with numbers and miles, a talent for the imperfect, a passion for the deprived, a ring that lingers between a joke and destiny, a time that always ends before its time and hangs on to words like a promise, a taste of sadness in smiling eyes, a fall, a laugh, a sunny day under the clouds, under the distance, a sunny day under the rain.
just don't wear any t-shirt with arabic on it
zivot je mali kofer i pored njega gomila stvari. koliko god da spakujes, naguras i ucuskas, uvek nesto pretekne, a to nesto, vazda izgleda najvaznije. zato, valja ponekad setiti se: sto prazniji kofer, to se lakse nosi. (n.neskovic - SMALL SUITCASE)
translation in progress
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