Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Olmert: The False Sympathy and Murderous Logic of a Murderous Mind

Olmert's address to the Knesset a week ago. Just got it. Maybe I missed it but I haven't seen it circulated, so I thought I'd share it with a slightly larger crowd than myself.

July 31, 2006

Ladies and gentlemen, leaders of the world. I, the Prime Minister of Israel, I am speaking to you from Jerusalem in the face of the terrible pictures from Kfar Kana. Any human heart, wherever it is, must sicken and recoil at the sight of such pictures. There are no words of comfort that can mitigate the enormity of this tragedy.

Still, I am looking you straight in the eye and telling you that the State of Israel will continue its military campaign in Lebanon. The Israel Defense Forces will continue to attack targets from which missiles and Katyusha rockets are fired at hospitals, old age homes and kindergartens in Israel. I have instructed the security forces and the IDF to continue to hunt for the Katyusha stockpiles and launch sites from which these savages are bombarding the State of Israel.

We will not hesitate, we will not apologize and we will not back off. If they continue to launch missiles into Israel from Kfar Kana, we will continue to bomb Kfar Kana. Today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Here, there and everywhere. The children of Kfar Kana could now be sleeping peacefully in their homes, unmolested, had the agents of the devil not taken over their land and turned the lives of our children into hell.

Ladies and gentlemen, it's time you understood:

The Jewish state will no longer be trampled upon. We will no longer allow anyone to exploit population centers in order to bomb our citizens. No one will be able to hide anymore behind women and children in order to kill our women and children. This anarchy is over. You can condemn us, you can boycott us, you can stop visiting us and, if necessary, we will stop visiting you.

A voice for six million citizens.

Today I am serving as the voice of six million bombarded Israeli citizens who serve as the voice of six million murdered Jews who were melted down to dust and ashes by savages in Europe. In both cases, those responsible for these evil acts were, and are, barbarians devoid of all humanity, who set themselves one simple goal: to wipe the Jewish race off the face of the earth, as Adolph Hitler said, or to wipe the State of Israel off the map, as Mahmoud Ahmedinjad proclaims.

And you - just as you did not take those words seriously then, you are ignoring them again now. And that, ladies and gentlemen, leaders of the world, will not happen again.

Never again will we wait for bombs that never came to hit the gas chambers. Never again will we wait for salvation that never arrives.

Now we have our own air force. The Jewish people are now capable of standing up to those who seek their destruction - those people will no longer be able to hide behind women and children. They will no longer be able to evade their responsibility. Every place from which a Katyusha is fired into the State of Israel will be a legitimate target for us to attack. This must be stated clearly and publicly, once and for all. You are welcome to judge us, to ostracize us, to boycott us and to vilify us. But to kill us? Absolutely not.

Four months ago I was elected by hundreds of thousands of citizens to the office of Prime Minister of the government of Israel, on the basis of my plan for unilaterally withdrawing from 90 percent of the areas of Judea and Samaria, the birth place and cradle of the Jewish people; to end most of the occupation and to enable the Palestinian people to turn over a new leaf and to calm things down until conditions are ripe for attaining a permanent settlement between us.

The Prime Minister who preceded me, Ariel Sharon, made a full withdrawal from the Gaza Strip back to the international border, and gave the Palestinians their chance to build a new reality for themselves.

The Prime Minister who preceded him, Ehud Barak, ended the lengthy Israeli presence in Lebanon and pulled the IDF back to the international border, leaving the land of the cedars to flourish, develop and establish its democracy and its economy.

What did the State of Israel get in exchange for all of this? Did we win even one minute of quiet? Was our hand, outstretched in peace, met with a handshake of encouragement? Ehud Barak's peace initiative at Camp David let loose on us a wave of suicide bombers who smashed and blew to pieces over 1,000 citizens, men, women and children.

I don't remember you being so enraged then. Maybe that happened because we did not allow TV close-ups of the dismembered body parts of the Israeli youngsters at the Dolphinarium? Or of the shattered lives of the people butchered while celebrating the Passover Seder at the Park Hotel in Netanya?

What can you do - that's the way we are. We don't wave body parts at the camera. We grieve quietly. We do not dance on the roofs at the sight of the bodies of our enemy's children - we express genuine sorrow and regret. That is the monstrous behavior of our enemies.

Now they have risen up against us. Tomorrow they will rise up against you. You are already familiar with the murderous taste of this terror. And you will taste more. In a loud and clear voice.

And Ariel Sharon's withdrawal from Gaza: What did it get us? A barrage of Kassem missiles fired at peaceful settlements and the kidnapping of soldiers. Then too, I don't recall you reacting with such alarm.

And for six years, the withdrawal from Lebanon has drawn the vituperation and crimes of a dangerous, extremist Iranian agent, who took over an entire country in the name of religious fanaticism and is trying to take Israel hostage on his way to Jerusalem - and from there to Paris and London. An enormous terrorist infrastructure has been established by Iran on our border, threatening our citizens, growing stronger before our very eyes, awaiting the moment when the land of the Ayatollahs becomes a nuclear power in order to bring us to our knees.

And make no mistake - we won't go down alone. You, the leaders of the free and enlightened world, will go down along with us. So today, here and now, I am putting an end to this parade of hypocrisy. I don't recall such a wave of reaction in the face of the 100 citizens killed every single day in Iraq. Sunnis kill Shiites who kill Sunnis, and all of them kill Americans - and the world remains silent. And I am hard pressed to recall a similar reaction when the Russians destroyed entire villages and burned down large cities in order to repress the revolt in Chechnya. And when NATO bombed Kosovo for almost three months and crushed the civilian population - then you also kept silent.

What is it about us, the Jews, “the minority�, “the persecuted�, that arouses this cosmic sense of justice in you? What do we have that all the others don't?

In a loud clear voice, looking you straight in the eye, I stand before you openly and I will not apologize.

I will not capitulate.

I will not whine.

This is a battle for our freedom.

For our humanity.

For the right to lead normal lives within our recognized, legitimate borders.

It is also your battle.

I pray and I believe that now you will understand that. Because if you don't, you may regret it later, when it's much too late.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those are the words of a great leader for his country irrespective of the fact that's he's the enemy!! you should post Nasrallah's last speech too, a great leader for his country... uh .. a country that's destroyed now , he claims victory in the fact the HA lasted that long,,, well the victory is obvious in the destruction, displacement and pollution, he takes pride of the lebanese resistance, but what pride it is for the lebanese to accept charity and food from all over ,, and last, didn't he promise to rebuild what has been destroyed with "honest money from Iran" , not in his speech tonight anyway after the Iranian president claimed that he's only behind Syria and not HA....
well at the end , I take back my words, He is a great leader of his country , Iran if only Iran aknowledges him.... in the meantime my country is bleeding being murdered, robbed of its beauty and our "leaders" still claim victory ...

4:01 PM  
Blogger Delirious said...

Megalomania at its best.
This is madness... pure, undiluted madness.

Words fail me now.
I wish I hadn't read this.
At least I would still have had hope in humanity.

4:03 PM  
Blogger rouba said...

in cold blood...
they should rename the holocaust the "neverendingcaust"
never-ending cost to whoever stands up to their bigotry
i can see him sprouting a little austrian moustache while giving his speech
allah yse3edna.

5:16 PM  
Blogger Erzulie said...

How ironic.

7:33 PM  
Blogger Laila K said...

this speech is hilarious, seriously, did he actually keep a straight face?

9:07 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i also wish i didn't read this.

10:50 PM  
Blogger Akiva M said...

"I don't recall such a wave of reaction in the face of the 100 citizens killed every single day in Iraq. Sunnis kill Shiites who kill Sunnis, and all of them kill Americans - and the world remains silent. And I am hard pressed to recall a similar reaction when the Russians destroyed entire villages and burned down large cities in order to repress the revolt in Chechnya. And when NATO bombed Kosovo for almost three months and crushed the civilian population - then you also kept silent."

Which part of this isn't true? Danish newspapers print cartoons of Mohammed, and the Muslim world riots for days. The daily death toll in Iraq - a primarily civillian death toll, and primarily at the hands of Muslims, not Americans - dwarfs the deaths in Lebanon (which is saying something, since the death in Lebanon is too large by any measure), and the Muslim world . . . sits silently.

Muslims are persecuted in Darfur, a true genocide, and the reaction is . . . nothing. The death toll in Lebanon is horrific - eight hundred people. What does that make the death toll in Darfur? 400,000 people killed since February 2003. 500 a day. Almost as many people are killed in Darfur EVERY DAY as have been killed in Lebanon in 30 days of war. So why is it that Lebanon is on the tongues of world leaders . . and Darfur isn't even on the radar? I know why you care more about Lebanon than Darfur - it's personal. But in any comparison of tragedies and disasters, Darfur dwarfs Lebanon by any measure. (statistics from

"Four months ago I was elected by hundreds of thousands of citizens to the office of Prime Minister of the government of Israel, on the basis of my plan for unilaterally withdrawing from 90 percent of the areas of Judea and Samaria, the birth place and cradle of the Jewish people; to end most of the occupation and to enable the Palestinian people to turn over a new leaf and to calm things down until conditions are ripe for attaining a permanent settlement between us."

This too is true. This is a man who was elected on a platform of unilateral concessions to the Palestinians. His defense minister, Amir Peretz, ran on an entirely dovish line. Yet these are the men leading the charge into Lebanon. Why? Were they simply liars? Or is it possible that from the Israeli perspective this really is a war of necessity, not of choice?

As long as you look at Israel and see only slavering monsters drooling for blood - as long as you are able to, as mirvat so casually did in another comment, dismiss your enemies as less than human - there can never be peace.

And maybe some of you don't want peace. But if you do, it may be time to stop painting caricatures of Israeli monsters and start thinking analytically about the human beings on the other side of the fence and why they truly believe what they are doing is necessary.

11:39 PM  
Blogger AM said...

Sigh ...
He is only one of them all ...
I'll email you a file with all their leaders' quotes over the years when it comes to Arabs and Lebanon and you'll understand better the philosophy.
They're all the same.

The worse thing is that Sharon looks like a little girl compared to Olmert.

5:43 AM  
Blogger Élan Vital said...

"For the right to lead normal lives within our recognized, legitimate borders."


Keep yourself in that recognized, legitimate borders and stop encroaching on your neighbors.

"The worse thing is that Sharon looks like a little girl compared to Olmert."

That's one UGLY little girl.

7:15 AM  
Blogger Akiva M said...

am_pm - would you like me to email you a file of arab leaders' quotes calling for the murder of jews and the destruction of Israel? It would go back at least as far in history as the quotes you would send me, and I guarantee you that there would be a higher volume of recent quotes (particularly if you include Iran, though it isn't Arab, and exclude petty figures with no backing from the Israeli or Arab publics, like the Kahane Chai terrorists who are banned in Israel or the Yesha council, which has no political pull [as demonstrated by the Gaza pullout] and is loathed by many to most Israelis, or the Rehavaam Zeevis of the world, who advocate population transfer and are never listened to or taken seriously)

The point is that tit-for-tat logic can only take you so far, and particularly in light of the fact that many of those recent quotes come from people like Nasrallah and Ahmadinejad (and that Nasrallah has confirmed multiple times that this is a war against the jews, not a war for land, not least when he apologized for deaths in Nazareth because he only meant to kill jews), who this fight is against, and maybe you can at least consider the idea that this speech was entirely sincere?

That to Israelis, this is a war that they have no choice but to fight now, because if they don't it means allowing Hezbollah and Iran to pick the time that they are strongest to start the battle? That they really do view this not as a fight for land, or prisoners, but a fight for their lives?

You don't need to agree with that analysis - just be able to understand why it is that Israelis believe that to be true (and they do, as shown by the massively high support for the war against Hezbollah - including support from the Peace Now and generally leftist camp - despite the deep divisions over such issues as the Palestinians).

7:17 AM  
Blogger Akiva M said...

>> "For the right to lead normal lives within our recognized, legitimate borders."


Keep yourself in that recognized, legitimate borders and stop encroaching on your neighbors.<<

Where, of course, they had been sitting quietly until Hezbollah crossed those recognized legitimate borders to spark this war. And don't bring up overflights of Lebanese territory, because the presence of Hezbollah - an armed group continually promising to attack (and actually attacking) Israel - is exactly why Israel needed to make those overflights.

Anywhere Israel has a recognized border and a peace treaty - Jordan and Egypt - they have done nothing at all to breach it.

7:20 AM  
Blogger Élan Vital said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

8:20 AM  
Blogger Élan Vital said...

Akiva M, how about the 1967 borders. Or that's something we shouldn't talk about?

8:24 AM  
Blogger Akiva M said...

fbjMembrane -

First of all, I'm not sure why the '67 borders have such totemic value to the Arab world. But sure, let's talk about them.

First, was Israel back at it's '67 border with Lebanon? Yes, according to the UN (whose resolutions call for that and whose decision on that issue both Lebanon and Israel agreed to abide by).

So, let's go back to your original quote:

>>>> "For the right to lead normal lives within our recognized, legitimate borders."


Keep yourself in that recognized, legitimate borders and stop encroaching on your neighbors.<<<<

Since we're in agreement that as between Israel and Lebanon Israel is actually at its '67 borders, your comment can only be referring to Israel's 67 borders with Syria and the Palestinian issue.

Well, putting aside the question of whether Syria or the Palestinians are ready to make peace, riddle me this:

If hezbollah is a "lebanese resistance movement" fighting to protect "lebanese interests", what the %&^* does Israel's issues with Syria and the palestinians have to do with anything?? Unless, of course, you believe that Hezbollah is fighting some broader Arab war on behalf of Palestinian and Syrian interests. In which case, what right do they have to bring that war to Lebanese soil? And, in which case, what point Israel simply turning over the Shebaa Farms and releasing Samir Quntar, if Hezbollah will continue attacking it anyway on behalf of the Palestinians or the Syrians?

In other words, if Hezbollah was justified based on Israel's expansion from its 67 borders, then there's absolutely no reason for Israel to cease fire short of total victory, since no concession to Lebanon will end the threat from Hezbollah.

11:49 AM  
Blogger Élan Vital said...

“First of all, I'm not sure why the '67 borders have such totemic value to the Arab world.”
Although I’m not a lawyer or judge, I would say you already lost the argument with that statement.

Akiva M, I don’t care to get into a long drawn out argument over this. However, allow me to make a minor suggestion; try connecting the dots if possible to that you may see the big picture.

12:30 PM  
Blogger Hilal CHOUMAN said...

it is always what the #$%^&* does palestine have to do with anything??

It is always what the $%^&* does iraq have to do with anything??

It is always what the $%^&* does Lebanon have to do with anything??

It is always what the $%^&* does israel "issuees" with syria have to do with anything??

btw, they attacked a funeral not only in ghaziyyeh but in shiyah as well.

maybe rocket launchers were hidden inside the coffins.

just a prediction..

12:30 PM  
Blogger Solomon2 said...

Wow! It's the sort of speech I might write had I been in Olmert's shoes. Of course, I imagine many Israeli's would prefer these words were not coming from the person who was practically the architect of the 2000 Lebanese withdrawal and the 2005 evacuation of Gaza.

princess, is this why you think the speech is "hilarious"?

3:21 PM  
Blogger Akiva M said...

>>>Akiva M, I don’t care to get into a long drawn out argument over this. However, allow me to make a minor suggestion; try connecting the dots if possible to that you may see the big picture. <<<

lol :)

I am a lawyer, and I think you missed my point. Why is the arab world obsessed with the 67 borders vs, say, the partition plan borders? I've never understood that.

Hilal - it's never been "what does Lebanon have to do with this" - since "this" is Lebanon.

Look, if you are saying that the Lebanese are willing to be at war with Israel until israel makes peace with the Palestinians and Syrians (and, now, apparently until America is out of Iraq??) just say so.

But like I said, if that's the case, don't expect any Israeli concessions, since they get no benefit from them.

On the other hand, maybe you aren't saying that because if you say it out loud, Israel will hear it. That basic idea - that Hezbollah will continue to fight regardless of Israeli concessions, always coming up with a new excuse - is what drives the Israelis to seek to eliminate Hezbollah entirely. essentially, by linking Israeli peace with Lebanon to Israeli peace with Syria and the Palestinians, you are agreeing that the Israelis are right.

3:43 PM  
Blogger Laila K said...

solomon: ZZZZZ wrong answer!
I always pictured Olmert as the angel, of death... well, no, Bush would be that. and he would be the undertaker.
you must be very proud of such a PM.. but again a country who had Sharon (a convicted war criminal)as PM, no wonder would have another one this round.

8:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ammmm.... I was just wondering why do the Lebanese never take any responsibility for their actions? It was amazing to hear that Hezbollah actions in south Lebanon and behing ths Israeli border have nothing to do with the Lebanese govenment. As the Lebanese PM mentioned: "they didn`t consult with us...". What kind of a country is this? I think that this has something to do with the blogs posted earlier. Lebanon is maybe a country but it is not a nation. There is the state of Beirut which is also divided but the government do have some control over it, and there are the other parts of Lebanon which really have nothing to do with Lebanese sovereignty. It is sad and it has it`s historical backround but in order to survive the Lebanese people should take responsibility and establish a real nation. Until that happens don`t be surprised that you are the playground of the US, UK, Iran, Syria and Israel.

p.s. start with getting rid of your "Syrian" president...

10:29 PM  
Blogger lennybruce said...

(Same person as 'lennybruce' but cant recover my login for that account)

I saw this speech yesterday for the first time. received it from some Jewish family member who thought he could help convince me of Israel's position. I would like to share with you what I wrote him:

"The words do have "a chilling truth to them" but not one which gives me any confidence or makes me want to rally to Olmert's side.

Irv, I have come to believe more than ever, and I know you may not agree and I respect that, if we keep talking in the terms we have always talked in, if we keep talking from that place of pain and suffering and anger that we feel, if we keep going around and around in the same circles we have gone around in, then the apocalyptic future that Olmert sketches will certainly come to be. It may come to be anyways, thanks to Ahmadinejad. But however it comes to be, tell me what is the sense.... falling off that precipice, our hands clutching at each other's throats, screaming and yelling at each other, 'it's your fault, no its your fault, no its your fault..' as we are both simultaneously incinerated by the 10.000 degrees centigrade of thermal heat?

In business we call it paradigm shift, or thinking out of the box. I know there has to be place in politics and diplomacy for out of the box thinking and paradigm shifts. Just not so optimistic it will happen in time.

9:13 AM  
Blogger lennybruce said...


Not sure I believe anymore in a 2 state solution (bit off thread but I hope Fouad wont mind). I did once but maybe 2 state evolving into 1 is a great idea. I do have a paradigm shift for you on solving the problem of Jerusalem. Its a bit unique and complicated but so is the history and meaning of the city.

Starting point is that both Israel and Palestine spiritually need and historically deserve Jerusalem as their capital. So let both countries use it as their capital and let both countries share ownership while giving the governance totally over to the Jerusalem municipality.

That municipality would be governed by a council comprised of 50% representatives voted in by Israeli residents and 50% voted in by Palestine residents. The budget, based on current budget indexed for inflation and growth, would be shared by Palestine and Israel proportionate to each country's GDP. The borders for control purposes would be administered at the western outside edge by Israel and by Palestine on the eastern outside edge making free movement within the city limits possible. Half of the schools could be 'integrated' and half could be Israeli or Palestine with parents deciding where they want to send their kids. Police force would be 50%-50% Israeli - Palestine from top to bottom.

Of course this can only work if both parties are willing and understand that there is a huge convergence of interests at stake in maintaining this unique city. The 50-50 quota things can be mandated for a period of 20 years or so after which, when hopefully, the citizens of Jerusalem feel One, things revert to one man one vote, schools all become integrated, etc.

And in the meanwhile, the central governments of Palestine and Israel keep their hands off of Jerusalem except for their funding commitment.

10:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

EVERYONE - I think its very important to point out that this speech was not made by Olmert, but rather as a proposed speach written by Ben Caspit, who writes commentary for the Israeli daily newspaper Ma'ariv. It can be found at:

By the way, speaking from the perspective of an Iraqi born Jew living in NYC, its amazing to read that so many people think it is Israel terrorizing Lebanon. Lets objectively review the facts:
- Hez, a terrorist organization that is part of the Lebanese government, violated the internationally recognized border, crossing into Israel to murder 8 soldiers and kidnap two others.
- Hez has repeatedly stated its goal of the destruction of Israel.
- Hez continually shoots rockets into Israel with the intention of targeting civilians, hitting schools, hospitals, old age homes.
- Israel defending itself is the country blamed.


When you judge one people or country by different standards than everyone else, that is racism. Israel is always judged much more harshly than any of its neighboring countries.

If you have any doubt, reflect on this: what would be the result if the firepower were reversed, and Hez had overwhelming power to destroy Israel. Is there any doubt by ANYONE that Hez (and therefore Lebanon) would purposely target EVERY JEWISH CIVILIAN LIVING IN ISRAEL? Is it so crazy for Jews to cry out Antisemitism when this is so obviously the case, yet no one mentions it?

7:27 PM  
Blogger Nightstudies said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sick of these idiots - israel, syria, palestenes and lebonese fighting since beginning of time.
Best solution would be - that the rest of the world enforce peace on these countries by FORCE.
My case -
just snatch away some territory from each country so each is at some loss and that will form the buffer zone where the UN or world army kept to monitor. This will be paid by the countries involved in conflict. If a poor country cant pay they can pay through their assets.
Then if anyone instigates any fighting, bomb the shit out of them and enforce heavy sanctions and make them pay heavy price. Its like the whole world will F them up so they better behave.
And enforce this for 50 yrs so the next generation dont know what a middle-east conflict is.

2:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I am sick of these idiots - israel, syria, palestenes and lebonese fighting since beginning of time.
Best solution would be - that the rest of the world enforce peace on these countries by FORCE."

And we are sick of Idiots like you, who think they know what they are talking about.

Your deep morality is so alarmed by countries bombing eachother for years and years, you suggest to take the initiative and do it yourself. How noble.

I'm really amazed by your logical reasoning, humanity and care for lasting peace.

Your way of fighting for piece is not that different than fucking for virginity.

7:40 AM  

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