Ode to my Country
Look back? But why, it's standing here
And will forever stand
The memory of each burning tear
And every fallen hand
Look up you'll see carved into rock
Each martyr's daunting loss
The bleeding arms that herd the flock
Scourged and nailed on the cross
Wounded and scathed, yet on the edge
Springs life ever so new
Fire on steel on stone on death
And green is what it grew
This is our fate, our raging sun
To live through death's toll
To show how trees in Lebanon
Grow in the barrel of a gun
And how our lives and hopes and dreams
Grow in a bullet hole
Fouad, can you please keep the links to the help in each post?
i hate to ask but some people would miss it :)
iz sveg srca, zelim vam da vratite mir. svaki rat je besmislen, ali neki to shvate kad je vec kasno. vecinu niko i ne pita za misljenje, i nema nacina (ili ih ima vrlo malo) da uticu na dogadjaje. znam da me ne razumes - jezik koji govorim je srpski, ali to nije ono sto je vazno.
thank you for finding a poetic breath in the midst of so much chaos and misery... your posts are so necessary... and so appreciated
very sad times...
can u watch this and tell me what is going on here? it is amusing but dont really get the point..can someone please enlighten me..mirvat..fouad..??
My heart goes out to all Lebanese people. I wish this raving insanity stops immediately Fouad. Peace my friend, peace!
Where can one send money to help with aid for the refugees and injured in Lebanon? Is the Red Cross it or does anyone have any other recommendations as well?
thank you DA.. and SS. The red cross would be great.
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