Sunday, July 23, 2006

Mr. Bush and the Culture of Life

Mr. Bush is rushing weapons to Israel, in a brave attempt to reinforce and support the march towards peace and democracy in the region. The same peace and democracy that now flourishes in post-Saddam Iraq, in the aftermath of a war insolently renamed "Operation Iraqi Freedom" when the flagrant WMD lie could no longer be used as an excuse in the eyes of a detached, incredulous world.

Why? Because Mr. Bush is a man of the Lord, he is a Christian who goes to Church every Sunday, and who supports the culture and sanctity of Life. But whose Life? well, let's not fall prey to overgeneralizations.

By life, Mr. Bush means single cell embryos, leftovers from a busy day at an in-vitro fertilization clinic.

By life, Mr. Bush means the vegetative state of an unfortunate Terri Schiavo who spent fifteen years being fed through a tube, and whose rictus and disorderly eye movements were good enough proof that she was alive, aware, and of course, happy.

Oh, and did I mention Life according to nationality? My bad. By life, Mr. Bush means the life of an American soldier or citizen, or the life of an Israeli soldier or citizen. Because, as you know, all lives are created equal, but some lives are more equal than others. Which is why the death toll among Iraqis during and after the war was so carefully documented and shared with, again, a caring, incredulous world. And why 330 dead lebanese civilians, many of whom are women and children, 700,000 displaced in need of water, food, and medication, and a nation dismembered and devitalized don't seem to quite cut it in the face of a military action in which 2 Israeli soldiers were captured and 5 were killed.

Hence the need to rush more rockets to Israel, because there is an emergent need for more dead and more displaced, because there still are power plants working and buildings standing, and the world really needs to make the balance between both sides of the conflict a little more... you know, equal.

Yes, Mr. Bush is no doubt the world's first and foremost life activist, and the driving force that spreads democracy and freedom in the alienated world we live in. Member of "Skull and Bones"? yes of course, why didn't I think of that earlier. Anyway, thank you Mr. Bush for your help and assistance. It would have been a dark dark world without you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny. I never heard anyone in Lebanon preaching the right to life of Israelis.

Self-righteous hypocrites.

12:23 PM  
Blogger Fouad said...

Well then you haven't been looking hard enough, buddy. The killings happening on either side are wrong and should be stopped. Yes of course the Israleis have the right to live. But so do the innocent Lebanese. It's just that respective body counts and the international community's reaction make you wonder whose lives are considered to be more important.

12:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You put in words what we feel, thank you.
What really kills me is that the tax money I pay is going to kill my people, and I can't live with myself for this. American embryos are not supposed to die, but lebanese children can burn alive. This is the just world we live in.


12:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Well then you haven't been looking hard enough, buddy.

OK. I searched and found this:

"In contrast, our people and our nation's willingness to sacrifice their blood, souls, children, fathers, and families for the sake of the nation's honor, life, and happiness has always been one of our nation's strengths."

That was Nasrallah on May 23rd.

I better try again.

The killings happening on either side are wrong and should be stopped.

I disagree with your moral equivalence. HA's attack 2 weeks ago, an elementary act of war, was simply the last straw in numerous attacks since Israel left Lebanon 6 years ago.

Yes of course the Israleis have the right to live. But so do the innocent Lebanese.

Then beg your Hizbala to spare your lives.

It's just that respective body counts and the international community's reaction make you wonder whose lives are considered to be more important.

That's where justification comes in. War isn't a body count game and frankly I don't think you'll find another war of such ferocity where the death toll is so low in contrast to the amount of damage done.

Yes, every innocent life counts. What's Lebanon doing to spare more lives besides mumbling something about sticking together with Hizbala because of the war they started?

12:50 PM  
Blogger Fouad said...

Guess what, Nasrallah does not speak for all Lebanese, although he claims to. And in as far as the "last straw" is concerened, I'll just refer you to this article.

Again, I do not want to see Israelis die. But I cannot stand to see this constant martyr act of yours, that you're always the victims and never the perpetrators, and that everything you do is in sheer self-defense. Was 1948 also an act of self-defense? I wonder..

1:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fouad, yes 1948 was an act of self defense. Israel had accepted the UN partition plan. The Arabs not and proceded to attack Israel on all fronts. You mean to say this is news to you? I'm sorry to hear that's where you're coming from.

Regarding your linking to Blogistan Journal, I see he takes it for granted that it was Israel who killed the people at Beit Lahiya. Goodie for that blogger's unevidenced nonsense. I hope you're happy you sucked it all up.

As for their other prehistoric excursiosn, yes, the best of missiles can miss their target and yes, Israel will pursue those who orchestrate our countrymen's murder, especially when given protection like the rogue state that Lebanon has become.

Until you folks fess up to the house of terror you and the Palistinians have become (actually, the Palistinians always were), Israel will continue to protect itself and will pursue your Hizzies and your hinies over the border when you ask for it.

When there's no more war, there can easily be peace. Arabs, try ending the warring for a change of "life." Some of you might actually enjoy it.

1:31 PM  
Blogger Laila K said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

1:39 PM  
Blogger Laila K said...


wake up, rememeber how many people were forced to be displaced in 1948 for the Israelis to return to the "promised land"? this is actually the starting point that you people continue to ignore.
you want lebanese and palestinians to be your slaves and humble servants, well that's not gonna happen. if you want peace, then the only way you'll get it is on terms defined by both parties, not yours alone. over and over your government has ignored the human rights of both palestinian and lebanese people, and what do you expect to get out of that, obedience and forgiveness? wake up, your governments brought it upon you and opon us, and it's definitely not getting better after this.

1:40 PM  
Blogger Fouad said...

Good stuff. How about a little bedtime story. I have a house. Somebody comes and takes it. I object. The UN comes along and says, you know what, don't take the whole thing, just take half. I object again, and try to get my home back, you blast the shit out of me in "self defense". Yep. Of course. Why am I even arguing with you. Destroy all you want, you don't know any better. And what we cannot take care of now, history and the changing balance of powers will take care of in the end.

1:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, why, but why, do some of you Americans take everything your govermnent and your media say at face value like a pack of sheep ?

At the vary least compare your source of information to other sources. Remember the incompetent FEMA guy (with a fake resume)who "organized" the hurricane relief after Katrina ? Is there a remote possibility you might be lied to ?

WAKE UP ! Even if you don't read any other languages, why don't you just investigate other English-speaking sources ? NGO sites, blogs by expats in Lebanon, sites of European newspapers... (if you are afraid lebanese bloggers are too biased) Don't need to be Einstein to understand this is organized mass murder !

And no, you can't put me in a box. I'm not a "jew-hating, blood-thirsty, Hizbulah lover". I'm French, yet I'm not a fan of Chirac. I've lived in the South of the US and frequented a born again Christian church (an eye-opener, actually)My mother is a Catholic. My father is a Jew. Among my best friends are North African muslims, American Jews, Irish catholics, French atheists...

Nothing is ever as it looks at face value. No person's pain can be downplayed. No life is worth more than another. Ever.I am grieveing with the Lebanese (and the Iraqis, the Palestinians and the young kids sent to war by GWB & Olmert). Because they are me and I am them.

Fouad, keep blogging even your darkest moods. Bon courage.

1:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Princess, you seem to be grieving all but the Israeli kids... any special reason?
- from a French who lived in the US...

1:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to comment on the violent rhetoric of the previous Anonymous. His writing, in my view, is condescending (calling his blog-rivals hypocrites and calling them to "beg Hizballah to stop"). As angry as he may be, I think this way of expressing opinions is part o the problem. I beleive that in order to create a calmer reality, we have to start with the words we choose.
I'm saying this although it seems to me that politically, we are on the same side. I think that the moderates in Arab societies should start giving the leading tone. And especially in Lebanon, which has a heritage of cultural pluralism and a good bit of international, cosmopolitan attitude.

1:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

princess mononoke said...

wake up, rememeber how many people were forced to be displaced in 1948 for the Israelis to return to the "promised land"? this is actually the starting point that you people continue to ignore.

It's a good idea to ignore myths. Assuming you're in a free country, go to your local public library and dust off some old books to investigate the sources.

What? They don't teach you this in the Madrasas?

Not enjoying your self-inflicted Nakba?

2:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And for the cheap Palestinian bashers, please explain the difference between their living conditions and those of the Jewish Poles in the Lodz, Cracow or Warsaw ghettoes (if you've heard of them)?

Oh yeah, it's 2006. Those sneaky Arabs have satellite dishes and the internet (when they have electricity, of course)and their kids are being shot with state of the art microwave laser missiles.

Wake up, people, and thank your God for sparing you the experience.

2:05 PM  
Blogger Laila K said...

mon ami anon,

r u kidding? please tell me you're not that slow.

also, please tell me how did you reach that conclusion? i actually do grieve the death of innocent civilians on both sides (not that i need to explain myself).

so, how it because i am mourning the destruction of my country and the horrific deaths of my people? ummm, what's your problem with that exactly? visit my blog and let me know if and where i mentioned anything about not grieving for the Israeli deaths.

the media is taking very good care of making sure that one side of the story reaches the american public, and i in turn would like to expose the actual truth in whichever way i please, and mourn the death of my people the way they deserve to be mourned (also, not that i need to justify myself).

2:20 PM  
Blogger Laila K said...

anon 2:02,

you're siting the "jewish virtual library"?! you're hilarious.

sorry, got no more time to waste on you. the princess is busy.

2:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Princess M,

If you are trying to pursue an intellectually honest discussion, when proving a point, chose a neutral, identifiable source.

Not myths and facts according to "Jewish Virtual Library" to document Palestian movements of population in 1948.

It could be perceived as provocation. Ignorance at best.

2:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oops, sorry Princess M, it wasn't you... Sincere apologies.

2:31 PM  
Blogger Laila K said...

anne k,

no worries..great arguement though :)

2:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Fouad

First of all I would like to say that I may not agree with you on a lot of things but I respect your views. Since I discovered this blog a week ago I've been checking it out daily to have a different view on things.

As for the post – it's easy to blame Bush for a lot of things and denounce his moves in the middle east. I agree that I too think he has done mistakes, but not only mistakes. And there is one thing you got to give him – he actually did something to try and change things in this area – we will be able to fully judge it only in the future. But even in the short run there are some success – you driving the Syrians out would have never happened with Saddam in power and strong Bashar in Syria.

And as for reading between the lines in Princes comments – It is clear that your major issue with Israel is that you don't accept that it should exist. Once you believe that I can argue with you for a hundred years about the current situation and never be able to convince you. That is because it doesn't really matter to you what happened between Israel and Lebanon, for you Israel is bad period. If someone doesn't acknowledge the right of Israel to exist there is really no point of trying to reason with him...

4:04 PM  
Blogger Laila K said...

gil, isael,

excuse me, i do acknowledge it in fact, i dont understand how you got to that conclusion. all i'm saying is that if israel wants peace in the middle east, it has to take the rights of the other people living there into consideration, which is not what is happening.

the reason i reminded anon about what actually happened in 1948 is because he was presenting false facts about something so crucial that needs to be clarified to all.

and please dont rush into conclusions about what other people's opinions especially concerning sensitive topics such as this one.

4:12 PM  
Blogger Laila K said...

and please refer to this post before making assumptions:

4:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I take my words back, nice post, I wish the same.

It is very humane that not me nor you will reach an understanding right now when bombs and rockets are hitting both sides.

I hope that after this turmoil will cease each country would do its own thinking without shouting slogans. I mean really think about what were the reasons for this fighting and what it can do for a better future, not only what the other country needs to do.

hope one day I could use the Arabic I've learnt in school and visit Lebanon.

Alla ma'ak

4:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spare us your wisdom poul, and respect our grief for our dead, or have we lost all human aspects.

5:45 PM  
Blogger Ghassan said...

as John Pilger put it before, there are people and non-people.

6:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


there are americans who are watching this, and watching you and can see through the propaganda and tripe we are spoonfed, and from the bottom of our hearts, we are sorry, and we feel your pain. please know this, every day more people will wake up, someday we will put down the psuedo christian stemcell blindfolds we all wear and collectively look at what our country has become, at how we have watched this and allowed our logic to be turned off long enough for so many live children to be killed and the reality of our actions will make us sick. My thoughts and prayers are with Lebanon, along with my wishes that this will end soon. And that no more lives will be lost so tragically.

6:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't understand why America just doesn't tell everyone in the middle east to go to hell and tell Israel to stop wasting our money.

7:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


wake up, rememeber how many people were forced to be displaced in 1948 for the Israelis to return to the "promised land"? this is actually the starting point that you people continue to ignore.

about 500 000, 200 000 less than was thrown out by Arabs from their countries... and much less than the Sudeten Germans who were expleed about the same time (2 1/2 millions)... The difference is that while Germans and Israelis resettled the people expelled by others, Arabs were happy not to do so...

you want lebanese and palestinians to be your slaves and humble servants, well that's not gonna happen. if you want peace, then the only way you'll get it is on terms defined by both parties, not yours alone. over and over your government has ignored the human rights of both palestinian and lebanese people, and what do you expect to get out of that, obedience and forgiveness? wake up, your governments brought it upon you and opon us, and it's definitely not getting better after this.

Sorry: if you say that the terrorists called Palestinians want to negotiate, I have a bridge in Bghdad to sell to you... As to Nasrallah, same...

7:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why bring poor Terri Schiavo in this? She should have never been killed.

You should thank President Bush for the 400 million dollars that the USA has coughed up the past five years for the rebuilding of your country. 40 million this year. You know, the one that you allowed Nasrallah and his criminals to take over. You might as well rename your country..IRAN. Do you really want an "Islamic Fascist State"?

Knock off your Bush bashing and America bashing. It is YOUR FAULT that you elected Hezbollah, a TERROR GROUP THAT HAS MURDERED HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE, to your government. You should have disarmed them when you had the chance.

This GROUP has MURDERED Israeli's and American's and Lebanese..Your media is controlled by Hezbollah...PUT THE BLAME WHERE THE BLAME GOES..YOU. FREEDOM IS NOT FREE.

Those bombs are made to kill those hiding in bunkers..100 feet into the ground. Get an education...and STAY OUT OF AMERICA>


8:06 PM  
Blogger Lycanthropy said...

the problem my friend is that the brain numbing US media's constant stereotyping has succeeded in de-humanizing huge swathes of humanity, and hence the slaughter goes on, anyway if u are not "born again" you are not really alive, so it doesnt matter if we live or die,,,

8:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To anonymous 8 pm. he gives millions to lebanon to build and billions to israel to destroy. And by the way, we have more freedom of speech than you think, and more importantly we have freedom to think, we are not brainwashed by biased hating media as most people in the US are. Shame on journalism in this country which has lost all kinds of objectivity. And shame on all the people who refuse to search for the truth and accept whatever is spoonfed to them.
Nobody take it personally please, I know there are a lot of well informed educated people, this is not addressed to those.

8:35 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Anon 8:06, please stop blaming everyone else. Murder is evil and supporting it is wrong. If you had been reading the blogs of the people that you are now attacking, you would know them to be kind, caring people who love their country, but not to the exclusion of others. You would know that they have been writing against HA and other terrorists from the beginning. You would know that they hate the death of innocent peoples of all nations. You would know that their espoused hatred of Israel is not a hatred of Israelis, but a hatred for the people who are murdering their friends and families.

If you were paying attention to the news, you would know that hundreds of innocent Lebanese are dying because HA, a group that maneuvered its way to power by giving to the poor and disinfranchised, and a group that was opposed by many, if not most Lebanese, decided to take hostages in order to get Lebanese prisoners out of Israeli prisons.

If you want to know about 1948, read "The War for Palestine." What you will find Was that the Jordanians, though they could not officially support the partition plan without beginning a war with all the other Arab nations, who were the only people to keep the UN's plan. Israel violated the plan in order to obtain a road from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Don't speak from your ignorance and condemn the innocent with second-hand half-truths.

It seems that I have to keep quoting this proverb whever I go, but, for Jews and Christians who hold to scripture, I must say: "One who justifies the wicked and one who condemns the righteous are both alike, an abomination to the LORD.” Proverbs 17:15. HA and Israel are both pursuing wicked actions, the Lebanese and Israeli children are innocent: you do the math.

8:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And for the cheap Palestinian bashers, please explain the difference between their living conditions and those of the Jewish Poles in the Lodz, Cracow or Warsaw ghettoes (if you've heard of them)?

Conasse aqntisémite, même si tu as un père juif...

Si tu peux écrire de telles âneries, tu es la preuve qu'on peut vivre sans cerveau!

9:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you were paying attention to the news, you would know that hundreds of innocent Lebanese are dying because HA, a group that maneuvered its way to power by giving to the poor and disinfranchised, and a group that was opposed by many, if not most Lebanese, decided to take hostages in order to get Lebanese prisoners out of Israeli prisons.

Even the BBC by now says that most of these "innocent" civilians are Hezbollah members...

Yep! Even the BBC...

9:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BTW the "innocent" lebanese Nasrallah wants is a murdere of children...

This is the "innocent" lebanese he wants, Samir Kuntar¬Found=true

a vile murderer... But of course only of Jewish children...

You are really despicable to lie like that, aren't you?

9:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Patricia, I am unclear what you meant by your pronouncement that the BBC thinks that most of these "innocent" civilians were Hezbollah members. So do you think they are right, and that because they were "mostly" members of hezbollah, that these victims deserved to die, these CHILDREN?? Check your hatred girlie girl, it has gone out of control. It will eat you up and make you a bitter ugly woman. Use your common sense. CHILDREN should not be brutally slaughtered. no matter whose children they are. I am sure there is a special place in the afterlife for monstrous people who believe otherwise.

10:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymi of the world, unite! Have the courage to pick a unique moniker to express your opinions even if it's not your name.

Anonymous 9:48, insults aren't any prettier in French. You do get points for attempting a thin veneer of sophistication, no doubt in the certainty that no US citizens would understand you :)
If we can not hold a civilized discussion among ourselves, what hope can we have for the world?
Let's limit attacks on each other's personal moral character. (Patricia, are you listening?)

10:34 PM  
Blogger Zee said...

Oh, this is all so unfair, isn't it?
Were it not for Hitler, Israel wouldn't exist.
Were it not for Palestine, Israel couldn't act like little Nazi's.

10:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aisling, the French-speaking "anon" is calling me a brainless antisemitic bitch even though I have a Jewish father" (Conasse aqntisémite, même si tu as un père juif ) because of a an earlier comment I made about living conditions in Palestine.

Hmmm, I guess those lying, cheating Arabs will make us naive antisemitic people believe anything, right ? Like those attention-seeking actors in Lebanon right now (gee, some of them are even Christian.That's confusing !), mourning their children and ransacked lives just to get on TV.

Whatever your color or creed : study, listen, open your eyes, think for yourselves... talk with people of different social, racial, religious origins. You just might discover we are not very different.

And that the humiliation & pain of a Lebanese or a Palestinian is no more acceptable than that of an Israeli or anyone else.

12:20 AM  
Blogger Fouad said...

Dear Poul,

"Precision" rockets. Of course. Why, because you need to be more "precise"? It doesn't seem to me that you missed any of your targets so far. Anyway, I can't wait to see you "precisely" reach those bunkers and take HA militants one by one, with a "precise" shot between the eyes.

12:30 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

fouad, great post my dear.
most of the comments sadly make me convinced that all the ancient hate and rage is still there and due to the recent massacres, mostly on our side, will persist for our children and their children to deal with. israel is a state of aggression and paranoia. this is the basis this state was built on, let alone racism. this is what the arabs in the region had to deal with. funny how the massacres of 48 committed against palestinians are forgotten (like mononoke said). not surprising for theirs is a policy of propaganda, fear and ignorance. this is why during the invasion in 82, palestinian maps were all stolen to be destroyed from the PLO HQ in beirut and this is why they're destroying our telecommunication and transmissions system now.

1/3 of the civilians that died are children and they still argue that these are HA fighters... i don't know what logic you can use with these people...
a government of terror is raising an inhumane generation i see. we're mourning the death of innocent people on both sides like our morals and traditions allow us to. i feel sorry for that 'state', never will they have enough conviction that they deserve to be and forever their extreme violence will turn the world against them. you might have the political tide on your side but the world hates you and as of now you have given reasons to the last liberal pro-american, pro-peace lebanese and arabic generation to renew its hate for you. we haven't lost loved ones and we feel that way, i cannot imagine how a person who did feels towards your state so God help you.

zee, very wise. check the article in the independent i linked today.

12:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Fouad said...

Good stuff. How about a little bedtime story. I have a house. Somebody comes and takes it. I object. The UN comes along and says, you know what, don't take the whole thing, just take half. I object again, and try to get my home back, you blast the shit out of me in "self defense". Yep. Of course. Why am I even arguing with you. Destroy all you want, you don't know any better. And what we cannot take care of now, history and the changing balance of powers will take care of in the end."

Of course this is in sum the arab/moslem line: any land that 7th century murderous bedos and pirates wrenched from Maurice's & Heraclius' West or Great Cyrus' Persia is forever theirs and their heirs. Let this Fuad practice his brand of taqiyya and kitman. The West is not buying it any more. It is waking up. Every moslem outrage, murder, death threat to former moslems, cartoon riot, arson, rape, & honor killing in Stockholm, Amsterdam, London, Paris & New York demonstrates islam is neither a religion nor of peace but another filthy ideology of submission and death to be resisted at all costs.

Just as there were Western states confronting and containing communism, Israel is a Western state confronting the mortal peril of islam and its directive of world jihad at its frontiers and rolling it back. That is a wonderful thing. So Fuad, my only grumble is they haven't yet killed, contained, expelled and made deeply miserable enough moslems. But I am optimistic!

12:57 AM  
Blogger rouba said...

fouad pls add this link to donate to AUH.
they need it
u can cut and paste from my blog for more info
hang in there

1:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

At least in '48, the (future) Israeli governmental leadership did not openly support the massacres,and Ben-Gurion was much happier to see Palestinians fleeing the country than he was to see them dead (according to his journals). He, in fact, originally hoped to pursuade most of them to leave by fostering employment in other countries. When this failed, recent scholarship has shown that he was in implicit support of the Israeli war crimes, but at least he did not publically bathe in the blood of children, or even command their slaughter.

Here's some fair representation: both the Palestinians and the Jews who were forced from their lands should be recognized as victems; Israel and Lebanon, Syria, Egypt . . . pretty much everyone but Jordan . . . refused to give Palestinians rights as full citizens. Jews in many, many places were deprived of their property and forced to flee, and Israel rejoiced to increase its Jewish population, it would lose what it gained if it really did convince governments to restore property and position to exiled Jews.

1:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel I am becoming very ironic reading some of this stuff...

Fouad, in 2003, did you ever come across the expression the French media used when commenting operation "fuck the Iraqis" : "frappes chirurgicales" ("surgical bombings", the irony of the medical term)

Mirvat, you will probably find most of the hateful comments come from relatively ignorant people who for some reason feel empowered to make insulting & abusive generalisations...

If it weren't so tragic, I would laugh at the comment that says the clear-thinking West is waking up and uses the terms "filthy ideology of submission" "Communist" "Frontier" "Mortal peril of Islam", "kill", "expel" in virtually the same sentence.

Get real, this is not Stargate SG-1 or 24.

1:41 AM  
Blogger the perpetual refugee said...

Fouad, you don't need to waste your time responding to commentators that have all of a sudden taken an interest in this new piece of entertainment we call murder and they call prime-time tv.

Your post was brilliant. Keep up the amazing work Fouad. You are an inspiration.

1:42 AM  
Blogger AM said...

Very 'precise' blog Fouad. Keep it up.

4:32 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

poul, u asked: would you prefer for israel to lose the source of precise bombs and start using dumb bombs on you guys?

i ask: which one won't hit the civillians and the innocent kids?

it seems eventually that we both want to save some lives here, the whole time we had understood you wrong.

i now hold up 2 fingers for you... the peace sign

6:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

poul, your picture is horrible you need to change it asap! it's hurting my eyes.

fouad (z.) i second PR.

7:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

atricia, I am unclear what you meant by your pronouncement that the BBC thinks that most of these "innocent" civilians were Hezbollah members. So do you think they are right, and that because they were "mostly" members of hezbollah, that these victims deserved to die, these CHILDREN??

Hezballah is hiding among the civilian population. They are targets... When they hide there, they put children at risk. Israel won't stop because you are whining "but there are children there"... There are also children in Haifa, in Naharya etc. and this never deterred Hezbollah from shooting... Actually they prefer that, and the guy they want to liberate killed children by breaking their heads on a stone... So stop the emotionalism...

Check your hatred girlie girl, it has gone out of control. It will eat you up and make you a bitter ugly woman. Use your common sense. CHILDREN should not be brutally slaughtered.
Again if Hezballah put them at risk, then Hezballah is guilty... The Israeli army doesn't put its basis in the middle of children... You are trying emotionalism to appeal to the West, but the truth as one anonymous has remarked is that you cry for lebanese children and forget to mention Jewish children. This has been the truth about arabs forever: they want to kill Jews but they whine when it comes back to the sender.

no matter whose children they are. I am sure there is a special place in the afterlife for monstrous people who believe otherwise.

Again, keep your crocodile tears, added after you were outed... You never protested when Jewish children were killed, when being in school, or a pizza parlor... But when Hezballah hides among children, then you start whining... Remember what muslims to to kuffr children... REemember Maalot and Breslan...

7:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Jihad Watch:: Thailand: jihadists gun down teacher in front of students

The jihad against teachers continues in Thailand. "Muslim militants gun down teacher in front of students," from DPA, with thanks to Sr. Soph:

BANGKOK - Four suspected Muslim militants on Monday gunned down a teacher in front of a classroom filled with his terrified students, radio reports said.

Prasarn Makchu, 48, died with a chalk still in his hand, said Thai Radio 98.

The assailants entered the Ban Muaraeng school in Narathiwat province, 780 kilometres south of Bangkok, at 11:00 a.m. and shot Prasarn in the head and chest with their pistols before fleeing....

Public school teachers are being increasingly targetted by separatists in Thailand’s three southernmost provinces as part of their terrorist tactics to drive a wedge between the majority Muslim population and the Bangkok-based public administration.

In May, Muslim villagers kidnapped and beat up two female teachers in Narathiwat, leaving one in a coma from which she has yet to awake.

Local education authorities decided to close 100 of the 199 schools in the province following the incident, although most have now been reopened. Narathiwat is part of Thailand’s majority Muslim “deep South,” comprising the country’s three southernmost provinces that border Malaysia and once made up the independent Islamic sultanate of Pattani.

More than 1,300 people have died in clashes, ambushes, shootings, explosions and beheadings in the deep South since January 2004, when the area’s long-simmering separatist struggle started to escalate. --- like anne k the dhimmi said, the West's struggle against islam is not 24 or Stargate SG-1. Read it all @ and learn the truth of the "religion of peace".

10:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Jihad Watch:: Iran, Hizballah, and a "ceasefire"

A good editorial in today's Washington Times (thanks to Sr. Soph): "Tehran, Hezbollah and a 'ceasefire'":

While Israel continues fighting to secure its northern border, the Iranian government barely makes an effort to hide its support for Hezbollah. Yesterday, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called the United States and Britain "accomplices of the Zionist regime in its crimes in Lebanon and Palestine" and declared that, by going to war against Hezbollah, Israel "pushed the button of its own destruction." In Tehran, the government, which provides Hezbollah upwards of $100 million a year, has put up billboards paying tribute to Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and declaring that it is the duty of Muslims to "wipe out" the Jewish state. And, over the weekend, in a display worthy of Hitler or Stalin (or Saddam Hussein in happier times), the Associated Press reported that Iranian officials in the city of Shiraz organized a demonstration by Iran's tiny Jewish community praising Hezbollah and calling for Israel's destruction.

With this ugliness as a backdrop, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice arrives in the Middle East today for meetings aimed at ending the violence in the region, with the primary focus on finding a viable plan for Lebanon's future. Thus far, the administration has performed admirably in fending off well-intentioned but utterly misguided calls for a premature ceasefire that would leave Hezbollah's military capabilities in place. Over the weekend, unconfirmed reports in the Israeli press suggested that Washington wants Israel to end its military campaign in Lebanon within one week. We trust that this is disinformation, and that Miss Rice and President Bush will quickly knock down such foolishness.

Some object to the Bush administration's approach, arguing that America should instead be an "honest broker" between Arabs and Israelis. But we need to be intellectually honest. The United States is not a neutral party; we are Israel's friend and ally in the war against radical Islam. That doesn't mean we agree with Israel all the time. But we cannot be neutral when Israel is fighting on our side against Islamofascism.

Any ceasefire that leaves Sheikh Nasrallah and his confederates in place as a serious fighting force capable of targeting Israel would be a defeat -- not only for Israel, but for the United States as well -- and Hezbollah would emerge emboldened and more dangerous. --- like anne k the dhimmi said, the West's struggle against islam is not 24 or Stargate SG-1. Read it all @ and learn the truth of the "religion of peace".

10:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Iranian Revolutionary Guards killed in Lebanon, flown back to Iran via Syria

Even Jordan and Egypt are now confirming the presence of Iran's Revolutionary Guards in Lebanon. From the New York Sun: "War Dead Flown to Iran"

JERUSALEM - The bodies of Iranian Revolutionary Guard soldiers killed by the Israeli army in Lebanon have been transported to Syria and flown to Tehran, senior Lebanese political sources said.

Israeli and Egyptian security officials confirmed the news, which follows a report that first appeared in The New York Sun, that Iranian forces posted to southern Lebanon have been aiding Hezbollah terrorists in their attacks against Israel, including helping to fire rockets into Israeli population centers.

The Lebanese sources said between six and nine dead Iranian Revolutionary Guard soldiers were brought in trucks last week into Syria for a flight back to Iran. They said the bodies were transported along with the tens of thousands of Lebanese civilians fleeing to Syria.


Israeli officials said Iranian Revolutionary Guards directed the firing two weeks ago of a radar-guided C-802 missile that hit an Israeli navy vessel off the coast of Lebanon, killing four soldiers. Israel says Iran acquired the missile from China.

The officials said the Iranian soldiers' duties include keeping custody of long-range missiles within Hezbollah's arsenal, including Zalzal rockets that are said to have a range of 125 miles, placing Tel Aviv within firing range.

Jordanian officials told the Sun they are "100% sure" Iranian Revolutionary Guard soldiers have fired rockets into Israel. They also said the Syrian army has provided Hezbollah with intelligence information on the locations of strategic Israeli targets to aid in Hezbollah rocket fire. --- like anne k the dhimmi said, the West's struggle against islam is not 24 or Stargate SG-1. Read it all @ and learn the truth of the "religion of peace".

10:40 AM  
Blogger jimmy said...

fouad your article puts any other argument to shame. i sincerely thank you for so eloquently expressing your anger and your grief. your message is universal.

12:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuad is a bad moslem, a conflicted pitiful being.

1:16 PM  
Blogger Firas Wehbe said...

Anon 1:16, Fouad is actually christian.

Fouad, leish fata7it 3a 7alak hal beb, kharjak.

2:10 PM  
Blogger Delirious said...

LOL @ Anon 1:16

What a pathetic unenlightened comment!

Fouad, I agree with everything Jimmy said. *two thumbs up*

4:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Jihad Watch::Fitzgerald: Can you blame us?

Americans, and other Infidels, should stop worrying, stop giving the slightest thought, to what Arab Muslims "think of them." Whatever they "think of them" is determined very largely by the Qur'an and Sunnah, and by what they are taught to think of all Infidels. To believe that Americans, or French, or Italians, can win real friendship from those well-versed in obtaining -- by outward affability and displays of hollow warmth -- whatever it is they want at that moment from the Infidels, is to pretend that Islam does not teach its adherents to distrust, shun, and hate Infidels, and to not "take them as friends, for they are friends only with each other," and not to be impressed by any seeming kindnesses of those Infidels, for these displays of kindness are merely a means to win over, and corrupt, and ultimately to conquer, those poor, trusting Muslims.

Recognize that those who are adherents of Islam have grown up with a belief-system that is not merely a religion but an entire way of life. This belief-system affects the atmospherics of a whole society; it affects the attitudes even of those who do not attend mosques, and who may in fact be unorthodox or lax in their faith. Only to the degree that a Believer ignores the central division of Islam -- that between Believer and Infidel -- can that Believer conceivably offer real, as opposed to feigned, and permanent, as opposed to temporary, friendship for Infidels. ---read it all @ to learn of "the religion of peace" and of islamochristian dhimmis like Fuad.

6:42 PM  
Blogger Firas Wehbe said...

Man some people just shat their comments all over this page, didn't they. For all those copy-pasting-knee-jerk-counter-jihadis out there, please take a time to read this blog carefully. You will see the nuanced and thoughtful opinions that Fouad has posted about everything. I also think that his unfavorable views of the actions of Hizb. and of perpetual violence were made very clear in earlier posts. Fouad's tolerance to muslims (despite belonging to a historically opressed minority in the ME) and honest say-it-as-it-is attitude is a far cry from your derogatory "dhimmi" label. He doesn't need me to defend him, but Fouad's is someone whose reason and tolerance rise above narrow historic and tribal bigotry. Ideals that yes in-fact do exist outside of the Western world, and don't need you deliver to us... using bunker-buster bombs. Man!

7:20 PM  
Blogger Fouad said...

Firas, thank you, it really means a lot, bass don't waste your breath. Some people will never get it. If they did, we wouldn't be where we are today.

7:42 PM  
Blogger M. Simon said...

You might find Limits of interest.

So by all means join in the hatred Ms. Dove. Unfortunately your hatred does not merit the attention that the hatred of Hizbollah does.

You have no rockets.

4:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Allow be to be naive.

Can someone explain why the most violent pro Israel / "anti-Arab" voices are coming out of the USA ?I've actually read very few from Israel or elsewhere.

And who can tell me the difference between the ignorant Arab haters and the Muslim guy above who swears its in him to "distrust, shun & hate infidels" ?

Hatemongers from all sides : enough, enough, enough with the bigotry... sectarian murders, mass destruction and use of illegal chemical weapons will never help.

Get an education, learn to think for yourselves within your own community. Because there are no quick fixes and because we all have to live together whether we like it or not.

Moderation, tolerance & peace.

8:45 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

it's so sad of how many people jumps into your site fouad and becomes so judgmental towards you, and i have seen it on so many sites, people are accusing each other with everything…some are judging others by the color!!!

8:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anne k, It seems like you are right that the US posters have a more uniform Anti-Arab position, I am not sure why this is, I have not noticed this in my everyday life, In fact even among the Jews I know, I have not heard bile such as I see typed here. Perhaps they know I would not tolerate it in my presense, Or perhaps it is because I would not encourage people of this level of stupididty to be in my life. Or maybe these online war instigators know they are imbeciles and therefore take a more moderate position while interacting personally with people. It is sad really that people would feel the need to come onto a strangers website and add insult to injury during a time like this, but I think it says something about thier narrow lives. And to the average visitor to this blog with some semblance of a brain, the differences between the foaming at the mouth internet warriors and the thoughtful writings of Fouad is stark, and anyone with a sence of decency will quickly be able to discern right from wrong. I honestly think all but the biggest champions of Bush foreign policy are angry at this escapade, perhaps this is the incident which will discourage our war mongering, because averag americans certainly do not want or benefit from it. And this is illustrative of that. I am just so sorry that Lebanon and her people are suffering because of this.

6:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is an article published this year by a Professor from Harvard and another from Chicago. It discusses the US policies and interaction with Israel. I promise you will not find this article quoted on CNN...

10:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaos this article will help explain the barrage of pro isreali rudeness to your site.

World News

The Times
July 28, 2006

Israel backed by army of cyber-soldiers
From Yonit Farago in Jerusalem

WHILE Israel fights Hezbollah with tanks and aircraft, its supporters are campaigning on the internet.

Israel’s Government has thrown its weight behind efforts by supporters to counter what it believes to be negative bias and a tide of pro-Arab propaganda. The Foreign Ministry has ordered trainee diplomats to track websites and chatrooms so that networks of US and European groups with hundreds of thousands of Jewish activists can place supportive messages.

In the past week nearly 5,000 members of the World Union of Jewish Students (WUJS) have downloaded special “megaphone” software that alerts them to anti-Israeli chatrooms or internet polls to enable them to post contrary viewpoints. A student team in Jerusalem combs the web in a host of different languages to flag the sites so that those who have signed up can influence an opinion survey or the course of a debate.

Jonny Cline, of the international student group, said that Jewish students and youth groups with their understanding of the web environment were ideally placed to present another side to the debate.

“We’re saying to these people that if Israel is being bashed, don’t ignore it, change it,” Mr Cline said. “A poll like CNN’s takes just a few seconds to vote in, but if thousands take part the outcome will be changed. What’s vital is that the international face of the conflict is balanced.”

Doron Barkat, 29, in Jerusalem, spends long nights trawling the web to try to swing the debate Israel’s way. “When I see internet polls for or against Israel I send out a mailing list to vote for Israel,” he said. “It can be that after 15 minutes there will be 400 votes for Israel.

“It’s very satisfying. There are also forums where Lebanese and Israelis talk.”

Israel’s Foreign Ministry must avoid direct involvement with the campaign but is in contact with international Jewish and evangelical Christian groups, distributing internet information packs.

Amir Gissin, the Israeli Foreign Ministry’s public relations director, said: “The internet’s become a leading tool for news, shaping the world view of millions. Our problem is the foreign media shows Lebanese suffering, but not Israeli. We’re bypassing that filter by distributing pictures showing how northern Israelis suffer from Katyusha rocket attacks.”

4:31 PM  

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