Wednesday, April 27, 2005

The Syrians are Out

The syrians are physically out. Yes. Yet I feel it is a little too early for cheers and congratulations. Until the Lebanese prove they can stand united for their country, and until the syrians prove to be, not just physically, but politically and ideologically out of the lebanese geopolitical arena, do allow me a healthy degree of skepticism. The past hasn't been gone too long and history is still in the making. If we don't learn from the lessons of the last few decades, if we underestimate the lebanese people's inherent tendency for dissolution and havoc, if we dismiss the Syrian government's grip on the workings of the lebanese political game, even from a distance, then we have a sure rendez-vous with a bitter bitter fate indeed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are absoluely correct. There is no point in cheering if we can't manage ourselves without Syrian meddling. It is time for us to prove to the world that we CAN do it...
Do you draw the pictures posted on your blogs. I like the style and atmosphere of your blog. Keep up the good work. I'll provide a link from my blog to yours. Cheers!

9:14 PM  
Blogger Fouad said...

Thank you maya. Yes the drawings are mine. Expression through more than one channel brings me additional, quite welcome, catharsis. Your blog is very nice as well. First time I encounter blogs outside of Blogger. Keep stopping by. I would love to get more of your feedback.
Cheers to you too! F.

7:33 PM  

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