When all is far, and all is empty, I set sail and dock on a familiar shore, somewhere in my imagination
posted by Fouad at 11:25 PM
hey , very nice picture...i can't believe it, i just posted something similar [a shot i took last night while going back home]..
Tylenol PM.
Yes I just saw that nour!... well from what I've seen so far, our blogs seem to cover some common grounds. Done lala. Much better now. Thank you :)
feels like a bad dream..
Miss Literal says: Do you have insomnia, or is your schedule difficult? And whose life would you like to sleep through? :)"When I'm worried, and I can't sleepI count my blessings instead of sheep, and I fall asleep, counting my blessings!" (Gershwin, I think...)
Ces demi-sommeils en pourquoifondent les heuresdompterl'insaisissable penséevaine quêtede l'obscuritéla lueur rosemachinal levergrain d'aubeglace la nuitqui n'aura pas étéKatia
wish we both could sleep
that was me, DA..Don't know why I went anonymous..
It did laila..miss literal, it was a horrible headache, and I was wishing I could sleep through its life...Katia, quoi dire... absolument superbe. Tu ne cesses de m'inspirer. A tres bientot.what's wrong dimitri?
I love the photo it's a visualization of the migrane I have right now. Perfect.
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hey , very nice picture...
i can't believe it, i just posted something similar [a shot i took last night while going back home]..
Tylenol PM.
Yes I just saw that nour!... well from what I've seen so far, our blogs seem to cover some common grounds.
Done lala. Much better now. Thank you :)
feels like a bad dream..
Miss Literal says: Do you have insomnia, or is your schedule difficult? And whose life would you like to sleep through? :)
"When I'm worried, and I can't sleep
I count my blessings instead of sheep,
and I fall asleep, counting my blessings!" (Gershwin, I think...)
Ces demi-sommeils en pourquoi
fondent les heures
l'insaisissable pensée
vaine quête
de l'obscurité
la lueur rose
machinal lever
grain d'aube
glace la nuit
qui n'aura pas été
wish we both could sleep
that was me, DA..Don't know why I went anonymous..
It did laila..
miss literal, it was a horrible headache, and I was wishing I could sleep through its life...
Katia, quoi dire... absolument superbe. Tu ne cesses de m'inspirer. A tres bientot.
what's wrong dimitri?
I love the photo it's a visualization of the migrane I have right now. Perfect.
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