To the love of my life
You might read this one day and you might not
A few people might read this as well, but maybe nobody will
This still is an open forum and a statement for the whole world to read
You, Nadine, are the single most important and most beautiful thing that has happened to me to this blessed day of my life
I love you with every molecule of my perishable body
I love and admire you for all the things you are and all the things that I want to be because of you
I love and respect you for all the things you do, all the care you hold, all the joy you spread around you
I love you in a world where love is not a transaction, nor a weakness, nor a game
I love you in a world where love is all the reasons to exist and all the reasons to wait for the sun to rise again behind the hills and set again behind the ocean
I love you in a world where the naked are warm, where the poor are fulfilled, where all the small creatures of this wonderful earth have a thin crack, a dip under a rock, a nest, a leaf to curle up under and dream of the morning
I love you Nadine
Let it be known to all and forever
A story carved on my chest and my forehead
A line drawn in the palm of hand
A history and a destiny
A yellow flower
A bookmark
A box of chocolate
A red sweater
A poem
And a scarf
All the little things between your little fingers
I love you Nadine
I love you
An open statement for the whole world to read
I love you