Well am back ,this is my fourth time today.Thank God you are not posting anything that requires reading,my head still not taking anything in,I have stared at the picture and the word "Soon" for a while but couldn't come up with a thing:( So, I scrolled down to the music......May be you can tell me if I can get it on CD and pray that I snap out of this state soon:)
Well am back ,this is my fourth time today.Thank God you are not posting anything that requires reading,my head still not taking anything in,I have stared at the picture and the word "Soon" for a while but couldn't come up with a thing:(
So, I scrolled down to the music......May be you can tell me if I can get it on CD and pray that I snap out of this state soon:)
Soon nshalla :)
I've never seen such beautiful white fume in Lebanon ... let's hope that I will soon..
Remarkable post
have a safe trip "soon" , where ever you may go
The picture is stunning Fouad. Look at the sky...look at it, gorgeous. Now paint it :))
anonymous is sharp, got one of the meanings of my post :)
zee, some things are better photographed than painted don't you think?
khawwta, these are smoke trails behind airplanes, but yes I hear you, I hadn't thought about it this way. Thank you.
wlak akid "smoke trails behind airplanes".. bass wihyitli aktar bil dikhan l abyad yimkin la2ani sarli zaman ma 3am chouf illa dikhan asswad
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