My Teta and a Prayer
With the ill wind of suffering and death falling upon too many innocent lives, I don't know that I could have posted anything else tonight.
Pauline I call her. My teta. You see it in her eyes. Weak. Yet hopeful. Old and happy to be alive.
Through those eyes of my teta I try to see the world. But tonight I can't.
Tonight, and for all those who've earned it, I just pray that there be a ruthless god, hell, and a long, long judgement day.
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She looks so much like my teta...
Allah ykhallilak yeha w tib2a deyman fo2 rassak.
I just pray that there be a ruthless god, hell, and a long, long judgement day.
It'll be there.
God bless all tetas everywhere.
My condolences Fouad... :(
Ramzi and all, teta is 90 and still in good health, thank God. I was only alluding to the new tragic deaths in Jordan and Iraq. This picture of pauline is one that gives me hope. I apologize if my post was confusing.
Teta looks like she has seen and known more in her lifetime than a good person should... yet, if she is still hopeful, I guess we all should be.
I, too, hope there is god, hell, and judgement days, due to the fact that if there isn't, life truly is not fair. Peace.
Fouad, don't say that man, don't let them get to you.
Things will work out in the end, I'm sure the punishment will come long before judgement day...
May all the victims rest in peace.
W ykhallilak your and our tetas.
You're right Kat. Life would be unbearably unfair.
I hope it will, AT. Amen to your words.
why is everyone's granny so cute, and mins is so bitchy?
this picture really got to me! i have this special respect for the elders, for those who have seen so much and yet still have so much hope... well said fouad
Thanks rampurple.
Beautiful post...
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